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70 Common Phrasal Verbs with PUT in English

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In this lesson, you will learn commonly used phrasal verbs with PUT.


List of common phrasal verbs with PUT in English

1. Put across          

  • Explain or state something clearly and understandably

E.g. All good communicators try to use popular, well-understood examples to put across complex ideas.

2. Put aside       

  • Save (money)

E.g. I try to put a few dollars aside each week, just in case I need money in an emergency.

3. Put aside     

  • Ignore or intentionally disregard (something), temporarily or permanently

E.g. Let’s put our differences aside for the moment, and get this project finished.

4. Put asunder 

  • Sunder; disjoin; separate; disunite; divorce; annul; dissolve

E.g. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.

5. Put away

  • Place out of the way, clean up

E.g. I put the clothes away so as to neaten the room.

6. Put away 

  • Store, add to one’s stores for later use

E.g. Preparing for the worst, they put away food for the winter.

7. Put away      

  • Consume (food or drink), especially in large quantities

E.g. You wouldn’t think such a small person could put away so much food.

8. Put away      

  • Send (someone) to prison

E.g. After he was convicted, they put him away for 10 years.

9. Put away

  • Knock out an opponent

E.g. He put away his opponent in the first round.

10. Put away  

  • Take a large lead in a game, especially enough to guarantee victory

E.g. They put the game away by scoring three touchdowns in the fourth quarter.

11. Put back     

  • Return something to its original place

E.g. He carefully put the vase back on the shelf.

12. Put back  

  • Postpone an arranged event or appointment

E.g. The meeting has been put back to 5.00 pm.

13. Put back        

  • Drink fast; to knock down alcohol

E.g. You’ll need to put that drink back quickly; it’s very nearly closing time.

14. Put back 

  • Change the time in a time zone to an earlier time

E.g. Don’t forget that this Sunday we put the clocks back an hour.

15. Put by  

  • Preserve food by canning, freezing, drying, etc.

E.g. Our family has been putting food by for generations.

16. Put by  

  • Perform an action without attracting attention

E.g. I managed to put that transaction by accounts payable.

17. Put by

  • Save money

E.g. I have put a few hundred pounds by for a rainy day.

18. Put by  

  • Run a ship aground intentionally to avoid a collision

E.g. The Bow Spring put by to avoid colliding with the Manzanillo II.

19. Put down    

  • Insult, belittle, or demean

E.g. They frequently put down their little sister for walking slowly.

20. Put down  

  • Pay

E.g. We put down a $1,000 deposit.

21. Put down 

  • Halt, eliminate, stop, or squelch, often by force

E.g. The government quickly put down the insurrection.

22. Put down

  • Euthanize (an animal)

E.g. Rex was in so much pain, they had to put him down.

23. Put down

  • Write (something)

E.g. Put down the first thing you think of on this piece of paper.

24. Put down 

  • Terminate a call; to hang up.

E.g. Don’t put the phone down. I want a quick word with him, too.

25. Put down 

  • Add a name to a list

E.g. I’ve put myself down for the new Spanish conversation course.

26. Put down 

  • Make prices, or taxes, lower

E.g. BP are putting petrol and diesel down in what could be the start of a price war.

27. Put down

  • Place a baby somewhere to sleep

E.g. I had just put Mary down when you rang. So now she’s crying again.

28. Put down 

  • Land

E.g. The pilot managed to put down in a nearby farm field.

29. Put down  

  • Drop someone off, or let them out of a vehicle

E.g. The taxi put him down outside the hotel.

30. Put down

  • Cease, temporarily or permanently, reading (a book)

E.g. I was unable to put down The Stand: it was that exciting.

31. Put down as

  • Assume someone has a particular character from very little information

E.g. I put him down as ignorant, but then discovered he is, in fact, a university professor!

32. Put down for

  • Record that someone has offered to help, or contribute something

E.g. Put me down for one of the drivers.

33. Put down to

  • State the cause of a situation

E.g. I put the high crime rate down to the high unemployment.

34. Put forward

  • Propose for consideration

E.g. The Prime Minister put forward new plans to tackle corruption.

35. Put forward  

  • Change the time in a time zone to a later time

E.g. Don’t forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

36. Put in  

  • Place inside

E.g. Just put in the key for the ignition and turn it.

37. Put in

  • Apply, request, or submit

E.g. I’m going to the bank to put in for a transfer.

38. Put in 

  • Contribute

E.g. I put in an extra hour at work today.

39. Put in 

  • Call at, arrive at, or enter a place (e.g., to enter a harbor or port)

E.g. The ship puts in to port today.

40. Put in practice

  • Make (something) a practical reality

E.g. But there remain two problems to resolve before the plan can be put into practice.

41. Put off

  • Procrastinate

E.g. Don’t put off your homework to the last minute.

42. Put off

  • Delay (a task, event, etc.)

E.g. The storm put off the game by a week.

43. Put off

  • Distract; to disturb the concentration of

E.g. Please be quiet. I’m trying to concentrate and you’re putting me off.

44. Put off

  • Cause to dislike; to discourage (from doing)

E.g. Almost drowning put him off swimming.

45. Put on  

  • Don (clothing, equipment or the like)

E.g. Why don’t you put on your jacket. It’s cold.

46. Put on 

  • Fool, kid, deceive

E.g. You must be putting me on.

47. Put on 

  • Assume, adopt or affect; to behave in a particular way as a pretense

E.g. Why are you putting on that silly voice?

48. Put on  

  • Play (a recording)

E.g. I’ll put on your favorite record.

49. Put on

  • Initiate cooking or warming, especially on a stovetop

E.g. I’ll put on some coffee for everybody.

50. Put on 

  • Perform for an audience

E.g. The actors put on a show.

51. Put oneself across 

  • Explain one’s ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality

E.g. It is very important to put yourself across well at a job interview.

52. Put out

  • Place outside or eject

E.g. Don’t forget to put out the cat.

53. Put out

  • Produce

E.g. The factory puts out 4000 units each day.

54. Put out

  • Injure a part of the body, especially a joint

E.g. Don’t put out your back trying to lift that.

  • 55. Put out
  • Extinguish (a flame or light)

E.g. They worked for days to put out the brushfire.

56. Put over   

  • State, or explain a concept in a clear, understandable manner

E.g. Professor Jones is a good teacher. He knows how to put his ideas over to the students.

57. Put past    

  • Conclude that (someone) would not do something

E.g. Would he go so far as to call the police? I wouldn’t put it past him.

58. Put through  

  • Connect

E.g. Please hold the line a moment while I put you through to the sales office.

59. Put through     

  • Cause to endure

E.g. After all the grief my wife has put me through, I wonder why I’m still with her.

60. Put to  

  • Ask or pose a question, or make a proposal

E.g. I’ll put it to the committee and see what they say.

61. Put together

  • Assemble, construct, build or formulate

E.g. We’ll need to put together a plan if we want to get this project finished.

62. Put up  

  • Place in a high location

E.g. Please put up your luggage in the overhead bins.

63. Put up  

  • Hang or mount

E.g. Many people put up messages on their refrigerators.

64. Put up  

  • Cajole or dare to do something

E.g. I think someone put him up to it.

65. Put up  

  • Store away

E.g. Be sure to put up the tools when you finish.

66. Put up 

  • House, shelter, or take in

E.g. We can put you up for the night.

67. Put up  

  • Present, especially in “put up a fight”

E.g. That last fighter put up quite a fight.

68. Put up  

  • Provide funds in advance

E.g. Butty Sugrue put up £300,000 for the Ali–Lewis fight.

69. Put up  

  • Make available, to offer

E.g. The picture was put up for auction.

70. Put up with      

  • Endure, tolerate, suffer through, or allow, especially something annoying

E.g. I put up with a lot of nonsense, but this is too much.

Useful PHRASAL VERBS with PUT | Picture