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Argonian Names

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Exploring the rich and diverse world of Argonian names offers a fascinating journey into the lore and culture of the Elder Scrolls universe. In this article, we delve into the unique and captivating realm of Argonian nomenclature, providing insights and inspiration for English learners seeking to expand their linguistic horizons.

Origins of Argonian Names

Argonian Names 1

Historical Influences

The Argonian names you encounter have deep historical roots, tracing back to their ancestral language, Jel. This unique language prioritizes the present tense, reflecting the Argonians’ focus on the “here and now,” which is also evident in their naming conventions. For instance, names in “The Elder Scrolls: Arena” and “Daggerfall” show variations and developments over time, each bearing a distinct resonance of the era’s dialect and events.

Cultural Significance

Your understanding of an Argonian name’s cultural significance is enriched by the realization that their names often depict personal traits, life experiences, or one’s role in society. This is embodied in two types of names among Argonians: Jel names and Tamrielic names. Jel names, used among Argonians themselves, are typically descriptive, while Tamrielic names, used for interaction with other races, are often adaptations to the common language of Tamriel for convenience or assimilation.

Argonian Names in History

Ancient Argonian Names

The earliest recorded Argonian names were simple and descriptive, often based on physical characteristics or natural elements. Some examples include:

  • Hiss: Referring to the sound of a snake, which the Argonians were often compared to.
  • Marsh: Reflecting the Argonians’ habitat in the swamps of Black Marsh.
  • Scale: Describing the Argonians’ scaly skin.

Medieval Argonian Names

During the medieval period, Argonian names became more complex and symbolic, reflecting the growing sophistication of their society. Many names were based on historical figures or events, as well as religious and philosophical concepts. Some examples include:

  • Hist-Whisper: Referring to the Argonian deity, the Hist, and their ability to communicate with it.
  • Shadow Scale: Referring to the Argonian assassins who were trained by the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Tree-Minder: Referring to the Argonians who were responsible for maintaining the Hist trees.

Modern Argonian Names

In the modern era, Argonian names have become more diverse and individualized, reflecting the increasing diversity of their society. Many names are still based on physical characteristics or natural elements, but others are based on personal traits or experiences. Some examples include:

  • Bright-Scale: Referring to an Argonian with particularly bright and colorful scales.
  • Swift-Runner: Referring to an Argonian who is known for their speed and agility.
  • Wise-Watcher: Referring to an Argonian who is respected for their wisdom and insight.

Overall, Argonian names have undergone significant changes throughout history, reflecting the evolution of their culture and society. From simple and descriptive names to more complex and symbolic ones, Argonian names continue to be an important part of their identity and heritage.

Argonian Names in Literature

Argonian Names in Elder Scrolls Games

The Elder Scrolls games have a vast number of Argonian characters with unique names. Here are some examples of male and female Argonian names from the games:

Male Names Female Names
Hides-His-Heart Sees-All-Colors
Bright-Throat Silent-Paws
Redscale Dark-Waters
Sharp-Tooth Soft-Scale
Cold-Blood Quick-Strike

Argonian Names in Literature

Argonian-inspired names can also be found in other literature, such as fantasy novels. Here are some examples of Argonian-inspired names from literature:

Name Book/Author
Sssuri Terry Brooks, The Sword of Shannara
Kethra David Eddings, The Elenium
Sssuri-Nok David Farland, The Runelords
Shokka R.A. Salvatore, The Legend of Drizzt
Sss’ra Raymond E. Feist, Magician

Argonian Names with Meanings

Argonian names often have meanings that reflect the culture and biology of the race. Here are some examples of Argonian names with their meanings:

Name Meaning
Hist-Whisper One who speaks to the Hist, the sentient trees of Black Marsh
Scale-Scraper A hunter who climbs trees to catch prey
Shadow-Walker One who moves silently and unseen
River-Runner A swift swimmer
Sun-Seeker One who basks in the warmth of the sun

Argonian Names by Genders

Male Argonian Names

Here are some popular male Argonian names and their meanings:

Name Meaning
Jaree-Ra Swift Water
Keesava Silent Hunter
Quicksilver Quick and Deadly
Scales-Like-Gold Respected and Wealthy
Veezara Little Voice
Walks-in-Ash Survivor of Ashlands

Female Argonian Names

Here are some popular female Argonian names and their meanings:

Name Meaning
Beem-Ja Swift Runner
Chal-Ma Fierce Hunter
Deeja Silent Strike
Jeelus-Lei Wise One
Keerava Silent Water
Nisswo-Xi Night Dancer

Unisex Argonian Names

Here are some popular unisex Argonian names and their meanings:

Name Meaning
Basks-In-Sun Enjoys the Sun
Calls-to-Moon Draws Power from the Moon
Dreams-of-Hist Connected to the Hist Tree
Hides-Her-Heart Guarded and Private
Sees-All-Colors Perceptive and Observant
Speaks-With-Silence Mysterious and Wise

Argonian Names in Popular Culture

Video Games

  • In the popular video game series “The Elder Scrolls,” Argonian names are featured prominently. Some examples include:
    • Jaree-Ra: A character in “Skyrim” who is a member of the Blackblood Marauders.
    • Teinaava: A character in “Oblivion” who is a member of the Dark Brotherhood.
    • Beem-Ja: A character in “Morrowind” who is a member of the Thieves Guild.


  • In the book “The Infernal City,” by Greg Keyes, an Argonian named Annaïg is featured as a main character.
  • In the book “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Skyrim Library, Vol. III: The Arcane,” various Argonian names are mentioned, including:
    • Heem-La: A character who is a member of the Thieves Guild.
    • Shahvee: A character who is a dockworker in Windhelm.
    • Derkeethus: A character who is a miner in Darkwater Crossing.

TV Shows

  • In the TV show “Game of Thrones,” the character Missandei is played by Nathalie Emmanuel, who also voiced the Argonian character Nilaendril in “The Elder Scrolls Online.”
  • In the TV show “The Mandalorian,” the character Greef Karga is played by Carl Weathers, who also voiced the Argonian character Ji’zargo in “Skyrim.”

Some good Argonian names include:


  • Xal-Gosleigh
  • \n

  • Jaxsik-Orrn
  • \n

  • Vistha-Kai
  • \n

  • Kishpa-Koth
  • \n

  • Nisswo-Xan
  • \n

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you come up with an Argonian name?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

You can come up with an Argonian name by considering their traits and culture. Look for inspiration in the Elder Scrolls games or create a name that reflects their lizard-like features and unique abilities.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the real name of the Argonian people?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The real name of the Argonian people is unknown. They refer to themselves as the Saxhleel, which means \"People of the Root\" in their native language of Jel.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are Argonian traits?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Argonians have lizard-like features, including scales, tails, and sharp teeth. They are also known for their ability to breathe underwater and their resistance to disease and poison.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some Tamrielic Argonian names?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Some Tamrielic Argonian names include:


  • Heem-Jas
  • \n

  • Kud-Nakar
  • \n

  • Nisswo-Xan
  • \n

  • Saxhleel
  • \n

  • Vistha-Kai
  • \n

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some badass Argonian names?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Some badass Argonian names include:


  • Drogath
  • \n

  • Hissmir
  • \n

  • Kotholl
  • \n

  • Naxxum
  • \n

  • Xal-Gosleigh
  • \n


Here are some tables with more Argonian names and their meanings:









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Name Meaning
Jaxsik Swift
Orrn Warrior
Vistha Strong
Kishpa Hunter
Nisswo Shadow









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Name Meaning
Heem-Jas Wise
Kud-Nakar Dark Blade
Saxhleel People of the Root
Nisswo-Xan Shadow Scale
Vistha-Kai Strong Water









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Name Meaning
Drogath Death
Hissmir Silent
Kotholl Blood Hunter
Naxxum Night
Xal-Gosleigh Swift Killer
