Opposite Verbs are an interesting aspect of the English language that can be both confusing and intriguing. These are pairs of verbs that have opposite meanings, such as “to give” and “to take,” or “to come” and “to go.” Understanding Opposite Verbs is essential for effective communication, as using the wrong verb can completely change the meaning of a sentence. In this article, we will explore some of the most common Opposite Verbs in the English language, their meanings, and how they can be used in different contexts. Whether you’re a native speaker or learning English as a second language, understanding Opposite Verbs is essential for clear and accurate communication.
Opposite Verbs with Meanings
Here is a list of Opposite Verbs with their meanings:
Verb | Opposite Verb | Meaning |
Arrive | Depart | To reach a destination / To leave a destination |
Buy | Sell | To acquire something by paying for it / To transfer something to someone else in exchange for money |
Come | Go | To move towards a particular place / To move away from a particular place |
Enter | Exit | To go into a place / To leave a place |
Give | Take | To transfer something to someone else / To receive something from someone else |
Increase | Decrease | To make something bigger / To make something smaller |
Love | Hate | To have a strong affection for someone or something / To have a strong aversion to someone or something |
Open | Close | To make something accessible by removing a barrier / To make something inaccessible by adding a barrier |
Start | Finish | To begin something / To end something |
Win | Lose | To achieve victory in a competition or contest / To fail to achieve victory in a competition or contest |
These are just a few examples of the many Opposite Verbs that exist in the English language. Understanding these Opposite Verbs is essential for clear and accurate communication, as using the wrong verb can completely change the meaning of a sentence.
Opposite Verbs with Examples
Verb | Opposite Verb | Example |
Come | Go | I will come to your house tomorrow. / Please go away from here. |
Give | Take | Can you give me a glass of water? / I will take this book from the library. |
Open | Close | Please open the window, it’s hot in here. / Can you close the door, please? |
Start | Stop | Let’s start the meeting at 2 pm. / We need to stop the car at the red light. |
Buy | Sell | I want to buy a new phone. / The store will sell the products at a discount. |
Love | Hate | I love spending time with my family. / I hate waking up early in the morning. |
Win | Lose | Our team won the basketball game. / We lost the soccer match. |
Create | Destroy | I want to create a new recipe for dinner tonight. / The storm destroyed many homes in the area. |
Accept | Reject | She accepted the job offer. / He rejected the proposal. |
Borrow | Lend | Can I borrow your pen for a moment? / I can lend you some money if you need it. |
Understanding these Opposite Verbs is essential for clear and accurate communication, as using the wrong verb can completely change the meaning of a sentence.
List of Opposite Verbs in English
- lose – win
- shout – whisper
- float – sink
- borrow – lend
- break – mend
- build – destroy
- put on – take off
- punish – reward
- stop – move
- exercise – rest
- show – hide
- drop – pick
- laugh – cry
- give – take
- import – export
- add – subtract
- enter – exit
- leave – stay
- open – close
- play – work
- question – answer
- sit – stand
- throw – catch
- teach – learn
- fall – rise
- come – go
- go – stop
- sleep – wake up
- live – die
- push – pull
- cool – heat
- pass – fail
- smile – frown
- strengthen – weaken
- speed up – slow down
- arrive – leave
- spend – save
Common Opposite Verbs in English | Image
In conclusion, Opposite Verbs are pairs of verbs that have opposite meanings and are essential for clear and accurate communication in the English language. Whether it’s understanding the difference between “arrive” and “depart,” “give” and “take,” or “open” and “close,” using the correct Opposite Verb is crucial for conveying the intended meaning of a sentence. By familiarizing oneself with these Opposite Verbs and their meanings, one can communicate more effectively and avoid misunderstandings.
Related: common verbs in English
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ousman dukureh waggeh
Monday 8th of November 2021
awora hola no bonbiya si
ousman dukureh waggeh
Monday 8th of November 2021
Thursday 25th of March 2021
Thursday 25th of March 2021
Sunday 18th of October 2020
sorry but the first verb is: lose-find because is perder-encontrar ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Sunday 21st of May 2023
@patita_333, no, there are two possibilities: lose/win; lose/find