De words are a crucial part of the English language. They are the words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Learning de words is essential for anyone who wants to improve their English vocabulary and writing skills. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about de words. We will start by defining what de words are and how they function in a sentence.
Understanding De Words
Definition and Usage
The prefix “de-” is a versatile particle in the English language that often indicates reversal, removal, or a downward or away movement. For example, to “decompress” means to release from compression or to return to a normal state after being compressed. The “de-” prefix transforms the base word, often creating a verb that conveys an action of undoing or reversing the action of the original verb.
Common De Words
Let us examine a selection of frequently used “de-” words to clearly see the prefix’s impact:
- Defrost: to remove frost or ice.
- Dethrone: to remove from power.
- Decode: to interpret or make clear.
Example sentences:
- We will need to defrost the chicken before cooking it.
- The king was dethroned in the coup.
- The cryptographers worked tirelessly to decode the secret message.
Here is a list of De words for your reference:
Word | Definition |
Decompress | to reduce the pressure or tightness in |
Defrost | to remove frost or ice |
Demote | to reduce to a lower rank |
Deny | to refuse to acknowledge or admit |
Depart | to leave, especially on a journey |
Decrease | to become smaller or fewer in size |
Deject | to lower someone’s spirits; dishearten |
Delight | to take great pleasure in |
Deliver | to bring and hand over |
Demand | to ask for forcefully |
Types of De Words
De-adjectives often describe a reversal or removal of a state. For example:
- deactivated: Something that was once active is now inactive.
- decentralized: Power or control is distributed away from a central authority.
Adjectives starting with “de” can alter the meaning of a noun to indicate the negation or reduction of a quality.
Here is a list of De-adjectives for your reference:
Word | Example Sentence |
dejected | After hearing the bad news, she looked dejected. |
deliberate | He made a deliberate attempt to avoid any confrontation. |
delicious | The homemade apple pie was absolutely delicious. |
delightful | The play was a delightful experience for the whole family. |
delinquent | The delinquent behavior of the youths concerned the community. |
demanding | The new project was very demanding in terms of time. |
demure | She gave a demure smile during the interview. |
dense | The forest was too dense to walk through easily. |
dependent | The child is still dependent on her parents for support. |
deplorable | The living conditions in the camp were deplorable. |
derelict | The old building was left derelict and eventually demolished. |
desirable | The apartment’s location made it a desirable place to live. |
desolate | The desert is a vast and desolate landscape. |
desperate | He was desperate to find a solution to the problem. |
despicable | The villain in the movie was truly despicable. |
destitute | After the market crash, many were left destitute. |
detached | She maintained a detached view of the events unfolding. |
determined | She was determined to finish the marathon despite her injury. |
detrimental | Smoking is detrimental to your health. |
devious | The plan was devious, but it worked perfectly. |
devoted | She was a devoted fan of the writer and read all his books. |
dewy | The garden was dewy and fresh in the early morning. |
dexterous | The craftsman’s dexterous work impressed everyone. |
Nouns that begin with the prefix “de” typically refer to an action or process, or the result of an action. Below are a couple of examples:
- defeat: The act of winning against someone in a conflict or competition.
- departure: The act of leaving, especially to start a journey.
These nouns are concrete or abstract entities that incorporate the “de” prefix to express a particular concept.
Here is a list of De-nouns for your reference:
Word | Example Sentence |
deadline | We have to meet the project deadline by Friday. |
deal | Negotiating a good deal took longer than expected. |
debate | The debate on climate change policy was intense. |
debris | After the storm, the streets were littered with debris. |
debut | The actress made her Broadway debut to critical acclaim. |
decade | The technology advanced rapidly over the last decade. |
decay | The wooden beams showed signs of decay. |
deception | The undercover operation involved a level of deception. |
decline | The company experienced a decline in sales last quarter. |
decoration | The medal was a decoration for bravery. |
decrease | There was a noticeable decrease in temperature overnight. |
decree | The king issued a decree that all taxes were to be lowered. |
dedication | Her dedication to the cause inspired others to join. |
defamation | The article exposed the newspaper to charges of defamation. |
defeat | The defeat in the championship game was hard to accept. |
defect | The product was returned due to a manufacturing defect. |
defender | The legal defender argued passionately in court. |
deficiency | The patient had a deficiency in vitamin D. |
deficit | The nation’s trade deficit is a growing concern. |
definition | The dictionary provided a clear definition of the word. |
degree | She earned her degree in biology last year. |
delay | The flight experienced a long delay due to bad weather. |
delegate | Each country sent a delegate to the international conference. |
delight | The surprise party brought her great delight. |
delivery | The delivery of the package was confirmed by the courier. |
demand | The demand for organic produce has increased recently. |
democracy | Democracy allows citizens to have a voice in their government. |
demonstration | The demonstration against the policy drew a large crowd. |
density | The density of the material made it hard to lift. |
departure | The departure of the flight was scheduled for 3 PM. |
De-verbs imply an action that often reverses another action or suggests degradation. Here are two examples:
- devalue: To reduce the worth or value of something.
- decompose: To break down into smaller parts, typically over time.
Verbs prefixed with “de” convey an action that changes the state of the subject, often indicating reduction, removal, or reversal.
Here is a list of De-Verbs for your reference:
Word | Example Sentence |
decide | We need to decide where to go on vacation. |
declare | The mayor will declare a state of emergency due to the flood. |
decline | She had to decline the invitation because of prior commitments. |
decorate | They plan to decorate the hall with flowers and balloons. |
decrease | To save energy, we must decrease our electricity usage. |
dedicate | He decided to dedicate his life to helping others. |
deduce | From the evidence, the detective was able to deduce the culprit. |
defer | The meeting was deferred to a later date. |
define | The study aims to define the impact of the new policy. |
delegate | You need to delegate tasks to your team to manage the workload. |
delete | Please delete the unnecessary files from your computer. |
deliver | The company promises to deliver the package by tomorrow. |
demand | Consumers will demand higher quality products. |
demonstrate | The scientist will demonstrate the experiment to the class. |
deny | The suspect will likely deny all the allegations. |
depart | The train is scheduled to depart at 6 p.m. sharp. |
depend | Success often depends on how much effort you put in. |
deploy | The company will deploy additional staff during the busy season. |
deposit | You must deposit at least $100 to open a new bank account. |
depreciate | The value of the car will depreciate over time. |
depress | The sad movie might depress the audience. |
derive | Many English words derive from Latin roots. |
describe | Can you describe the person you saw at the scene? |
desecrate | The vandals were arrested for attempting to desecrate the sacred site. |
design | She wants to design her own wedding dress. |
desire | They desire a better future for their children. |
despise | He grew to despise corruption in all its forms. |
destroy | The hurricane could destroy the coastal homes. |
detach | Carefully detach the old stamp from the envelope. |
De Words in Popular Culture
In our exploration of “De Words” in popular culture, we discover their unique impact across various mediums such as literature, music, and social media, etching themselves into our collective experience.
In the realm of literature, “De Words” often materialize as colloquialisms or jargon that define characters and settings. For instance, in young adult novels, words like “defriend” or “deactivate” offer us insight into characters’ relationships and their interactions with technology.
Moving to music, “De Words” become powerful lyrical devices that artists use to convey messages of disconnection or release. In pop, hip-hop, and other genres, phrases like “detox” signal a cleansing of body and mind, resonating with listeners who relate to the concept of purification or starting anew.
Social Media
On social media platforms, “De Words” are a common sight, reflecting fleeting trends and communal attitudes. “Demote” and “defriend” may describe shifts in online relationships, while “detox” aligns with wellness trends that frequently sweep through platforms like Instagram or TikTok.
- “Demote”: a change in social standing or relationship dynamics
- “Defriend”: the action of removing someone from friend lists
- “Detox”: often refers to taking a break from social media for mental health benefits
Through these subsections, we get a glimpse of how “De Words” influence and shape our cultural landscape.
List of De Words
Here is a list of De words for your reference:
Deal | Deem | Delude |
Debate | Deep | Deluge |
Debris | Deepen | Delusion |
Debt | Deer | Demand |
Debut | Deface | Demarcate |
Decade | Defame | Demean |
Decay | Default | Demeanor |
Deceit | Defeat | Dementia |
Deceive | Defect | Demise |
Decency | Defence | Democracy |
Decent | Defend | Democrat |
Deception | Defendant | Democratic |
Decibel | Defender | Demographic |
Decide | Defense | Demol |
Deciduous | Defensive | Demonstrate |
Decimal | Defer | Demote |
Decision | Defiance | Demotion |
Decisive | Defiant | Demur |
Deck | Deficiency | Den |
Declaration | Deficit | Denial |
Declare | Define | Denigrate |
Decline | Definite | Denim |
Decode | Definition | Denote |
Decompose | Definitive | Dense |
Decor | Deflate | Density |
Decorate | Deflect | Dental |
Decorative | Deform | Dentist |
Decrease | Deformation | Deny |
Decree | Defraud | Depart |
Dedicate | Defrost | Department |
Dedication | Defunct | Departure |
Deduce | Defy | Depend |
Deduct | Degenerate | Dependent |
Deduction | Degradation | Depict |
Deed | Degrade | Deplete |
Dehydrate | Deity | Depletion |
Deject | Delay | Deploy |
Delegate | Delete | Deployment |
Deliberate | Delicacy | Deposit |
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some common words that begin with the prefix ‘de’?
We encounter many words with the prefix ‘de’ in everyday language. Examples include ‘deduct’, ‘defend’, ‘delay’, ‘degrade’, and ‘detox’.
Can you list some five-letter words starting with ‘de’?
Certainly! Five-letter words starting with ‘de’ are quite diverse, such as ‘debar’, ‘decoy’, ‘deter’, and ‘deuce’.
Are there any notable short words that start with ‘de’?
Yes, there are! Short, impactful words starting with ‘de’ include ‘deny’, ‘deed’, and ‘deaf’.
Could you provide examples of four-letter words starting with ‘de’?
Of course. Four-letter words with this prefix are ‘deck’, ‘deed’, ‘deep’, and ‘dent’.
What is the meaning of words starting with the prefix ‘de’?
Words beginning with ‘de’ often suggest a reversal or removal of something, as in ‘deactivate’ (to make something inactive) or ‘decompose’ (to break down into smaller parts).
Which six-letter words start with the prefix ‘de’?
Examples of six-letter ‘de’ words include ‘debunk’, ‘decide’, ‘deduce’, ‘defect’, and ‘delete’.
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