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Names Meaning Moon in English

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The moon has always been a fascinating celestial body for humans. It has been a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and scientists for centuries. The moon has also been a popular name choice for babies across cultures and time. In this article, we will explore the meaning and origin of names that mean moon. Whether you’re looking for a unique name for your baby or just curious about the different names that mean moon, we’ve got you covered.

Understanding the Moon’s Symbolism

Names Meaning Moon

The moon has been associated with various meanings in different cultures. Here are some examples:

  • In ancient Egypt, the moon was associated with the god Khonsu, who was the god of time and cycles.
  • In Hinduism, the moon is associated with the god Chandra, who is the god of fertility and love.
  • In Chinese culture, the moon is associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a time for family reunions and giving thanks.
  • In Native American culture, the moon is associated with the cycles of nature and the seasons.

The moon goes through different phases, each of which has its own symbolism. Here are some examples:

  • New Moon: A time for new beginnings and setting intentions.
  • Waxing Crescent: A time for growth and development.
  • First Quarter: A time for taking action and making progress.
  • Waxing Gibbous: A time for refining and perfecting.
  • Full Moon: A time for manifestation and completion.
  • Waning Gibbous: A time for releasing and letting go.
  • Last Quarter: A time for reflection and evaluation.
  • Waning Crescent: A time for rest and renewal.

Female Names Meaning Moon

Lunar Names in Greek Mythology

Greek mythology is rich with lunar goddesses and names that reflect the moon’s beauty and power. Here are some Greek names that mean moon:

Name Meaning
Selene Moon goddess
Phoebe Bright, shining one
Artemis Goddess of the moon and hunt
Hecate Goddess of witchcraft, night, and the moon
Io Moon goddess, priestess of Hera
Callisto Moon goddess, nymph of Artemis

Popular Asian Names Meaning Moon

In many Asian cultures, the moon is a symbol of beauty, femininity, and prosperity. Here are some popular Asian names that mean moon:

Name Origin Meaning
Yue Chinese Moon
Luna Japanese Moon
Mahina Hawaiian Moon
Sora Korean Moon
Chandni Indian Moonlight
Zhiyue Chinese Moon wisdom

Unique Slavic Names Meaning Moon

Slavic cultures have a rich tradition of moon worship and folklore. Here are some unique Slavic names that mean moon:

Name Origin Meaning
Mesiaca Slovak Moon
Noc Czech Night
Ksiezyc Polish Moon
Mesec Serbian Moon
Zhivana Bulgarian Moonlight
Lunnitsa Russian Little moon

Male Names Meaning Moon

Moon-Inspired Names from Roman Mythology

The ancient Romans believed that the moon was a powerful and divine force. Here are some male names inspired by Roman mythology:

Name Meaning
Apollo God of the Sun, Light, Music, and Prophecy
Diana Goddess of the Moon, Hunting, and Childbirth
Janus God of Beginnings, Endings, and Transitions
Jupiter King of the Gods, God of Thunder and Lightning
Mars God of War
Neptune God of the Sea
Saturn God of Agriculture and Harvest
Sol God of the Sun

Intriguing Celtic Names Meaning Moon

The Celts were a group of tribes that lived in Europe during the Iron Age and the medieval period. They believed that the moon was a symbol of femininity and fertility. Here are some male names inspired by Celtic culture:

Name Meaning
Arian Welsh name meaning “silver”
Cian Irish name meaning “ancient” or “enduring”
Euan Scottish name meaning “born of the yew tree”
Lir Irish name meaning “the sea”
Selene Greek name meaning “moon”
Soma Indian name meaning “moon-like”
Theron Greek name meaning “hunter”

Moon Names from Ancient Egyptian Culture

The ancient Egyptians believed that the moon was a symbol of renewal and rebirth. They associated the moon with the god Thoth, who was the god of wisdom, writing, and magic. Here are some male names inspired by ancient Egyptian culture:

Name Meaning
Ammon Egyptian name meaning “hidden”
Anubis Egyptian name meaning “royal child”
Khonsu Egyptian name meaning “traveler”
Osiris Egyptian name meaning “powerful”
Ra Egyptian name meaning “sun”
Thoth Egyptian name meaning “moon”

Unisex Names Meaning Moon

Moon-inspired names are a popular choice for parents looking for a unique and celestial name for their child. Here are some unisex names meaning moon that you might want to consider:

Name Meaning
Ainar Kazakh name meaning “moon”
Aiday Kazakh name meaning “moon child”
Altalune Latin name meaning “over the moon”
Aylin Turkish name meaning “moon halo”
Badar Arabic name meaning “full moon”
Chandrakant Hindi name meaning “beloved by the moon”
Hala Arabic name meaning “moonlight”
Jerah Hebrew name meaning “month”
Kaida Japanese name meaning “little dragon who loves the moon”
Mahina Hawaiian name meaning “moon”
Marama Maori name meaning “moon”
Qamar Arabic name meaning “moon”
Selene Greek name meaning “moon”
Soma Sanskrit name meaning “moon”

Moon Names from Different Cultures

Moon Names in Native American Culture

Native American cultures have a rich history of moon names. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Name Meaning
Abnaki “Month of the Earthworm”
Cherokee “Month of the Ripe Corn”
Sioux “Moon of the Popping Trees”
Hopi “Month of the Kachina Dances”

Moon Names in African Cultures

African cultures also have unique moon names. Here are some examples:

Name Meaning
Zulu “Month of the Insects”
Swahili “Month of the Harvest”
Yoruba “Month of the New Yam”
Hausa “Month of the Dry Season”

Moon Names in Middle Eastern Cultures

Middle Eastern cultures also have their own moon names. Here are some examples:

Name Meaning
Arabic “Month of the Scorching Heat”
Persian “Month of the Rose”
Hebrew “Month of the Figs”
Turkish “Month of the Pomegranate”


Moon-inspired names are becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to give their children unique and meaningful names. Here are some unique moon-inspired names that you might like:









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Name Meaning
Ayla Moonlight
Celine Moon
Estelle Star
Halona Of happy fortune
Jericho Moon city
Kaida Little dragon
Lulani Sky, heaven
Selena Moon goddess

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is a good name that means moon?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

If you're looking for a good name that means moon, here are some options to consider:









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Name Meaning
Amar Immortal, the moon
Amaris Child of the moon
Aysel Moon stream
Chandra Moon, shining
Luna Moon
Mahina Moon
Selene Moon goddess

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What name means learning?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

If you're looking for a name that means learning, here are some options to consider:









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Name Meaning
Alima Wise
Athena Goddess of wisdom
Dara Learned one
Eudora Good gift
Maeve Intoxicating
Sinead God's gracious gift
Sophia Wisdom

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the mythical name for moon?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

In Greek mythology, the goddess of the moon was Selene. In Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon was Luna. In Hindu mythology, the god of the moon was Chandra.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some Native American names meaning moon?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Here are some Native American names that mean moon:










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Name Tribe Meaning
Awan Mi'kmaq Full moon
Chenoa Cherokee Dove
Hania Hopi Spirit warrior
Istas Native American Snow
Nokomis Ojibwe Grandmother moon
Purnima Native American Full moon
Qamra Inuit Moon

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some Indian girl names meaning moon?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Here are some Indian girl names that mean moon:









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Name Meaning
Chandni Moonlight
Indu Moon
Jyoti Light
Kavya Poetry
Khushboo Fragrance
Mahima Greatness
Sharmila Shy, modest
Shubha Auspicious
