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Words that Rhyme with Eyes to Expand Your Vocabulary

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Welcome to our article about rhyming words! In this article, we’ll explore words that rhyme with eyes and provide you with examples of how to use them in sentences. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of words that rhyme with tree, along with their meanings and example sentences. Let’s get started!

Words that Rhyme with Eyes

Words that Rhyme with Eyes to Expand Your Vocabulary 1

Understanding Words that Rhyme with Eyes

Rhyme and Rhythm

Rhyme refers to the repetition of sounds in words, usually at the end of the words. The sound can be a vowel, consonant, or a combination of both. Rhyming words have the same sound at the end, and they create a musical effect when recited together.

Rhythm, on the other hand, refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. Rhyme and rhythm work together to create a musical effect in writing.

Syllables and Sounds

Syllables are the building blocks of words, and they are essential in creating rhymes. The number of syllables in a word determines the number of sounds that can be used to create a rhyme. For example, words with one syllable, such as “eyes” and “prize,” can only rhyme with words that have the same sound at the end.

Sounds, or phonemes, are the smallest units of sound in a language. They are essential in creating rhymes because words that have the same sound at the end can be used to create a rhyme.

Importance in English Language

Rhymes are important in the English language because they help in creating a poetic and musical effect in writing. They are commonly used in poetry, songs, and nursery rhymes. Rhyming words are also used in advertising and marketing to create memorable slogans and jingles.

Here are some examples of rhyming words and their meanings:

  • prize
  • rise
  • spies
  • tries
  • uprise

Words that Rhyme with Eyes

Single-syllable Words that Rhyme with Eyes

Word Explanation
Buys Third-person singular simple present indicative form of “buy”
Dyes Third-person singular simple present indicative form of “dye”
Flies Third-person singular simple present indicative form of “fly”
Guys Plural form of “guy”
Lies Third-person singular simple present indicative form of “lie”
Pies A baked dish typically made with pastry and filled with sweet or savory ingredients
Prize Something given as a reward, typically in a competition or contest
Rise Move from a lower position to a higher one, come or go up
Size The dimensions or magnitude of something
Spies A person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor
Sties A pen or enclosure for swine
Ties A strip of material worn around the neck and tied in a knot or bow
Wise Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment

Examples of One Syllable Words that Rhyme with Eyes in Sentences

  • He buys a new car every year.
  • She dyes her hair a different color every month.
  • The bird flies high in the sky.
  • The guys play basketball every Saturday.
  • She lies in bed all day when she’s sick.
  • I love to eat apple pies in the fall.
  • He won first prize in the science fair.
  • The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.
  • The shirt is too small, it doesn’t fit my size.
  • The spies gathered information about the enemy’s plans.
  • The farmer keeps his pigs in sties.
  • He wears a tie to work every day.
  • She is a wise woman who gives great advice.

Multi-Syllable Words that Rhyme with Eyes

Word Explanation
Advertise Promote or sell a product or service through various media
Apprise Inform or tell someone
Compromise Settle a dispute by mutual concession
Customize Make or modify something to suit a particular individual or task
Demise A person’s death
Enterprise A business or company
Excise A tax on goods produced or sold within a country
Exercise Physical activity done to improve health or fitness
Franchise A right to sell a company’s products or services in a particular area
Implies Suggest or indicate something without explicitly stating it
Paradise An ideal or idyllic place or state
Realize Become aware of something that was not previously known or understood
Recognize Identify someone or something from having encountered them before
Revise Re-examine and make corrections or alterations to written or printed material
Supervise Observe and direct the work of someone
Surmise Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it
Surprise An unexpected or astonishing event or fact

Examples of Multi Syllable Words that Rhyme with Eyes in Sentences

  • They advertise their products on television and social media.
  • Please apprise me of any updates on the situation.
  • We had to compromise on the terms of the contract.
  • The company can customize their products to fit each customer’s needs.
  • The demise of the company was caused by poor management.
  • The enterprise has expanded to several countries around the world.
  • The excise tax on cigarettes is increasing again.
  • Regular exercise can improve your overall health and well-being.
  • The franchise owner is responsible for managing several locations.
  • His silence implies that he knows more than he’s letting on.
  • The island resort is a true paradise for vacationers.
  • I didn’t realize how much work this project would be.
  • I recognize her from the conference we attended last year.
  • I need to revise my essay before turning it in.
  • The supervisor oversees the work of several employees.
  • I can only surmise what happened based on the evidence.
  • The surprise party was a huge success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some words that rhyme with eyes?

  • Wise
  • Disguise
  • Surprise
  • Advice
  • Rise
  • Size
  • Prize
  • Compromise
  • Apprise
  • Despise

Can you recommend a rhyming dictionary for kids?

There are several rhyming dictionaries available for kids. Some popular options include: “The Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary” by Sue Young, “The Random House Book of Poetry for Children” edited by Jack Prelutsky, and “The Oxford First Rhyming Dictionary” by John Foster.

What is the difference between end rhyme and internal rhyme?

End rhyme occurs when the last syllables or words in two or more lines of a poem rhyme with each other, while internal rhyme occurs when words within the same line of a poem rhyme with each other.

How can I improve my ability to identify and use rhyming words in poetry?

One way to improve your ability to identify and use rhyming words in poetry is to practice reading and writing poetry regularly. You can also try using a rhyming dictionary or online tool to help you find words that rhyme. Additionally, paying attention to the sounds and patterns of words in everyday speech can help you develop a better ear for rhyme.

How can I improve my vocabulary by learning rhyming words?

Learning rhyming words can help you improve your vocabulary by increasing your word bank. When you learn a new rhyming word, you also learn its meaning and how to use it in a sentence. This can help you express yourself better and become a better writer.

Words that rhyme with \"eyes\" include \"wise,\" \"disguise,\" \"surprise,\" \"advice,\" \"rise,\" and \"size.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some words that rhyme with eyes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

  • Wise
  • \n

  • Disguise
  • \n

  • Surprise
  • \n

  • Advice
  • \n

  • Rise
  • \n

  • Size
  • \n

  • Prize
  • \n

  • Compromise
  • \n

  • Apprise
  • \n

  • Despise
  • \n

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you give me a list of words that rhyme with eyes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Here is a list of words that rhyme with \"eyes\":








\n \n































Words That Rhyme With Eyes

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some common rhyming words for eyes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Common rhyming words for \"eyes\" include \"wise,\" \"disguise,\" \"surprise,\" \"advice,\" and \"size.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some words that end with the same sound as eyes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Words that end with the same sound as \"eyes\" include \"wise,\" \"disguise,\" \"surprise,\" \"advice,\" and \"size.\"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some rhyming words that can be used in place of eyes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Rhyming words that can be used in place of \"eyes\" include \"sight,\" \"gaze,\" \"look,\" \"glance,\" and \"stare.\"


For example:


  • She had a piercing gaze.
  • \n

  • He couldn't help but stare.
  • \n

  • I caught a glimpse of her.
  • \n

  • She gave me a quick glance.
  • \n

  • He looked at me with a puzzled expression.
  • \n


In conclusion, rhyming words can add a poetic and musical quality to writing. Knowing words that rhyme with \"eyes\" can help expand one's vocabulary and improve their writing skills.
